Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reflection (Character Attributes - Honesty and Character) on Hike from Bukit Timah Nature Reserve to McRitchie Resevoir (20110514)

For those who are holding the cards on Honesty and Character, copy the quote that is most meaningful to you and explain why. Substantiate it with something that you had experienced, felt, observed, heard during the hike.


  1. Character

    "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved" - Helen Keller

    During the hike, it was only through the times where I saw my friends in need of help where I developed a character attribute of helpfulness. Seeing my friends in difficulty during the obstacles spurred me to help them.

  2. "Honesty prosper in every condition of life" Friedrich Schiller. This quote is meaningful as honesty will help pull through anything in life difficult as it may seem. Honesty can help our group improve by telling each other their weaknesses. Honesty can also help people know how u feel towards them and know whether or not they should change.

  3. Character
    "Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open."-Elmer G. Leterman-Gortz corporation.

    I agree with this quote. Without a good character, one cannot be a leader. I have noticed this back in my primary school. Luckily all the leaders in the Mount Kinabalu group had a good character in order so the group followwed their advice and orders. If someone with a lousy character were to be the leader, nobody will listen to him, even with a good personality, only a few will actually follow their advice properly.

  4. Honesty

    "My motto -
    first honesty, then industry, then concentration" - Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919) Founder of Carnegie Corporation

    I agree with this quote as we first have to honest with ourselves. Like for example, we need to know our own strength and weaknesses and acknowledge them. That is being honest with ourselves. Then we can build up our foundation and we would be able to concentrate better in our studies. But the process all lies down to being honest with ourselves, and not to pretend something we are not.

  5. Character
    "Character is forged in the smallest of struggles. Then, when the big challenges come, we're ready." - Waiter Rant, Water Rant weblog, 12.30.05

    Having a good character is important in a person as a character reflect strongly of himself to others. Character is formed through the slightest problems when we try to solve them with different methods, based on our preferences. We're lucky to have leaders with good character that can command the group to do what everyone prefers, as they care about the people in their team.
